
corn bread requires corn. who knew?


The interview went well (I got the position, so that's fun). I'll be working in housekeeping administration (not cleaning rooms, more organizing the people who clean them).

Went out for dinner with roomie monday night (korean, it was yummy) and then last night went to connor's for perogies (mmmmmmm) and vegetables.
and cupcakes.
mmm nutrition. haha.

other than that not much is going on. I'm in serious danger of impulse buying a new cell phone, which is something that usually happens around christmas, I see some semi-major purchase and decide that now is the ideal time to get it.

I have a ton of work to do tonight (timeline for events binder, starting your own business executive summery) and I also need desperately to clean my room, so we shall see what happens.

Oh, and for some reason seeing people dressed in hockey jerseys at funerals always makes me want to cry. And not in a "crimes against fashion" kind of way.

moi at 11:48 a.m.

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