
oh, and I got a hair cut. It's cute.

Just finished my Human Resources final. yay. I think there were only about 4 marks out of probably 85 or 90 that I won't get just because I spaced on the answer.

Yesterday I wrote my law final in the morning (hit or miss, im only moderately worried but if for some reason I fail that class I'm going to be so pissed) and then spent from 1230 until 630 shopping with the image consultant. Got lots of new tops, some new pants, accessories, etc.

Then went over to connor's as I was in his neighbourhood (sort of) and he made me dinner and basically listened to me moan about my "difficult day of shopping".

Tonight I have to do assignments for revenue management and events as well as study for starting your own business and revenue management. ugh.
Although roomie called my new phone (it's so awesome) and said that we might be going for dinner so that would be fun seeing as she was unconscious last night when I came home at 1230.

That's pretty much it. Going home on friday for christmas break but I think I'm going to come back in for a few days next week just to clean up my room and do some last minute shopping and stuff.

moi at 11:29 a.m.

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