
as if big brother cares about your cruise!

Gah! You would think now that I'm done school I would have more time to update...maybe it's that there isn't really anything exciting going on (is there ever?)

I'm back home in Hamilton now until tomorrow. Nothing really exciting going on, shopping with mom, got my passport this morning, lots of watching the food network.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to Toronto to clean my room, do laundry, get set up for next year, etc. etc. Also to see connor who is making me dinner on tuesday :)

I stood in line behind these middle aged people in the line to get in to the passport office who I just wanted to slap upside the head. They were talking about how "rediculous" it is that they have to prove their citizenship and how "they" have your licence, health card and passport all "linked" in the computer.

Well d'uh! It's the government! I wanted to hand them a copy of 1984 as though I was prosletizing at them.

That said, my picture actually turned out ok, so that's good.

moi at 10:11 a.m.

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