
Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver

Not much going on really. Started my last week of school, at least for a while.

Today I had my last class of my online simulation class where basically the teacher told me that "in the business world nothing is perfect so shut up about the typos and missing sentences". Not in as many words, of course. To which I mentally replied "if your business was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, you wouldn't be in business for long". Anyway, whatever. Apperently I'm doing well in the course. The teacher seemed shocked.

I think that if I was a prof I would look at the transcripts of everyone in the class and see their overall grade level so I would know who obviously needed more attention and who would get along fine on their own. Also, I would be a horrible/fantasic prof. Depending of course on who you ask.

Spent Sunday at Connor's watching The Office US version, which is hilarious and highly recomended. All of the episodes used to be online but most of them have been yanked, sadly.

Roomie and I watched Brokedown Palace last night, and all I can say is that it's a good thing we have both already been to Thailand.

I started my index cards for my wine final last night. Today in wine class there is a quiz and then we're learning all about sherry all day. I found out yesterday that I'm not a huge fan of sherry, but I do rather like ice wine in limited quantities. Today promises to leave me with a headache of epic proportions.

Then I just have my beer assignment to hand in tomorrow morning, and a test to write in that class. My in class interview assignment at 1pm on Wednesday, my final wine class on Thursday and then careers class until 115 on Friday and I'm done school.

At least until I decide to do something else educational.

moi at 9:55 a.m.

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