
at least if I loose my sight, I can still see the screen.

I'm posting in the lowest screen resolution possible because my computer fried its self, dell replaced the mother board, but now I'm having some kind of graphics card conflict.

My warranty is up in august but as soon as I get a job and pay off some credit card debt, I'm heading to the apple store for serious. Their widescreen monitor setup bugs me but according to my source at dell, dell isn't even going to be making square screens any more so I might as well make the jump. We shall see. I kind of irrationally want to have a mac AND a new latitude dell, but we'll see. Computer guru Davey says that I should wait until they upgrade the mac notebook offerings, so we'll see how that goes.

In other news, still jobless. Got a random call from blinds-to-go last night while I was at Connor's, they saw my resume on monster.com but I'm not that desperate yet. I've applied for a job that is sort of below the job I would want to have at hotel x where I did my internship so hopefully something comes of that. The only issue is that you have to be in one job for 6 months before they let you move to another job within the hotel and if my ideal job came up then I'd be peeved if I was stuck at the other job. But I'm not sure how strict they are on that.

What else...I scrubbed the kitchen, got a big-ass envelope of work that I need to do for my mom's business and am generally just hanging around. I was hungry before I started cleaning but I'm ok now so I think I'm going to wait until later and then go get Korean take out so that it is a sort of mid-afternoon meal and therefore dinner will be a low stress affair.

I made shepard's pie and cauliflower two ways for connor last night. It was super yummy but then I was really sick the rest of the night. I think it might have either been the $8.15 wine, the mcdonald's milk shake from earlier in the day or some sketchy sketchy stuff I put on a bagel for lunch. ugh.

moi at 12:17 p.m.

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