
please refrain from making jokes about uranus:the magician

Am updating from the Hammer. We're waiting for my mom to finish a coaching call and then we are hitting the road to the cottage.

Yesterday I hung around the house and then dad came in to town and we went up to bay and bloor to do some window shopping (Dad got shoes and a copy of the NYC frommer's for their trip at the end of June. I got to walk around lookin' at stuff). We then headed deeper downtown to Roy Thompson Hall in anticipation of our arrending the TSO performance of Holst's "The Planets" later in the evening. We tried to go to Il Fornello (packed to the gills) and Alice Fazooli's (closed for a private party) so we ended up at some random place across from hooter's. Not the pub, the other way across. It was really good.

I had the gnocci (the only thing without tomatoes, it came in a cheezy cream sauce) and dad had the seafood pasta (tomatoes galore and an entirely respectable amount of seafood). I'd definately go back if I was in the area.

We then headed over to Roy Thompson and sat in the park watching a group of school kids pose for pictures that looked like they had their finger on the top of the cn tower (you know how people pretend to be holding up the leaning tower of Pisa? like that) and then went to the concert.

They were broadcasting it on cbc2 so it was interesting that it was a little bit hosted so that was interesting. There was actually a big cross-section of people there, as well as outfits, and it seemed that everyone enjoyed the program.

The first piece was a tso commission that I thought was more impressive when I thought the composer was deaf. Turns out she wasn't. uh oh.

the second was a cello concerto played by this guy who was really good, but swayed so much I thought he would come off the chair.

Holst, as always, rocked.

Then we came back to hamilton around 11, the new kitchen looks like something out of a magazine, the cat slept on my feet.

moi at 9:18 a.m.

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