
feeling strangely fine

Ever have one of those days where life gangs up on you?

Yesterday I signed the contract for my new job, part time switchboard girl at a post hotel downtown, heretofore referred to as hotel x. 13.50$ an hour, which isn't bad, as long as I get hours. After 6 months of probation (eek) I get $14.00 but hopefully I've moved up in the world by then.

So, in celebration, I went to the liquor store to get booze to drink while Connor made me dinner. It was at the liquor store that I discovered that I had lost my bank card. It was later at Connor's that I discovered I had lost my sunglasses. It was this morning, in talking to hotel x, that I discovered I would need my actual SIN card, not just the number.

So today I have to get a new bank card, get my dad to mail me my SIN card, go to the library to get some stuff that's on hold, deposit a cheque, clean the apartment, etc. etc.

I've discovered that I'm one of those people who clean things but then it never looks clean after, ya know? I don't think I have the ability to tidy in a non-professional atmosphere...aka my room. Plus, I have zero storage and way too much stuff in there.

In other news...no cottage for me this weekend, working Friday 530-11pm and Saturday 6-11pm. Should be interesting!

moi at 11:53 a.m.

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