
Poulet sans tete

I've been SOOOOO busy I havn't had time to even check my e-mail, let alone blog.

No idea how long it has been since the last time I wrote, but it has been entirely too long...and I therefore have entirely too much to talk about :S

In the last week I have worked a TON (I'm basically full time at work now, minus the benefits, holidays or extra uniform).

I've also decided that I'm going to go back to school to get my masters. I found this amazing-sounding program through Athabasca university (basically an online university out of Alberta). But the deadline to apply is October 1...Monday. The real hangup is the alma matter...and if they can get transcripts from Nova Scotia to Alberta on time. I have a back up plan of course, but if I can pull off getting in to the program right from the start then things will just be a lot easier.

So amid that crazyness, trying to recover my brain from a severe atrophy, working all the time and packing...well, it's been busy.

Yesterday I was at work from 645am until 545 pm helping my boss with a power point presentation for today's staff meeting as well as generally running around like a crazy person.

And then a friend of mine wanted to go to a practice "fancy" dinner which ended up being a good idea because my new best friend, our waiter, kept the gin and tonic coming.

Tonight will be a combination of relaxing and maybe watching The Office, depending on if the girl who bought my tv comes to pick it up before or after 9pm.

Packing has shown me just how many pairs of shoes I have...and how few I actually wear. Thank goodness I have Saturday and Sunday off!

They are tearing down a building next to the subway and all of the men on the street are stopping to watch the machines and the demolition while the girls glance and keep walking. Nothing like real-like tonka trucks to hold a guy's attention.

moi at 5:44 p.m.

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